5 out of 5 stars
Johnny B Good
It's been a while since I took my tefl with ittp but when i needed some info on teaching in latin america and when i got my reply from ittp almost immediately i thought it might be a good time to spend a few minutes recommending this company and the whole tefl experience package. My tefl course took place in spring 2011 and i took both their onsite course and accommodation package. Our group were a bit of a mixed bunch and we mostly gelled well but there is always 1 whenever i have taken courses or tours who arrives pissed and stays pissed and grouchy throughout. Know what i mean ;) Happened to you too :) The course was very well delivered. I received top notch job guidance services. I was happy with the accommodation and am slightly sad that it seems from recent reviews that they have now changed location. Well, admittedly i guess there were improvements which were needed on the old girl. I passed the course with flying colors and as i already had a pre-booked ticket back to the states i didn't teach in prague so i can't comment on that experience. I did and do keep in touch with classmates and people who stayed in prague overall digged the teaching scene there. My only complaint back then was a lack of general prague knowledge available for new arrivals but it seems that ittp listened to us and that blog of theirs is looking damn good indeed. So i am now teaching in costa rica and loving each day but also missing my time in prague. Costa rica is great and all but prague is something magic. Everyone should experience prague at at least once in their lifetime for that bohemian buzz :) Back to the certification, it's recognized and affordable and the ittp experience gets a massive 2 thumbs up from me. Their post course support btw is also excellent.